Professional Services
We provide a wide range of surveying and mapping services to meet your needs

Building Setback and Grading/Drainage Certifications
Keep the City/County happy
For new construction the City or County building inspector will want a building setback letter stamped by a licensed land surveyor. Many times an architect will place the building right on the setback line leaving no room for error. It's a good idea to have the surveyor place the offset stakes for the new structure to be sure the seback letter can be issued at the appropriate time. The City or County will also require a grading and drainage certification from their surveyor stating that the grading was done per the approved site plan.

Easement analysis & preparation
Sorting through your title report
Having analyzed thousands of title report exceptions we can plot easements affecting your property on the boundary survey. Also if new easements are needed, we can draft the appropriate legal descriptions and exhibit maps suitable for recordation.

Land Title Surveys
We provide ALTA/NSPS land title surveys for public and private clients. An ALTA survey will show boundary lines, easements affecting the property and client-selected Optional Table A items that can be added to the survey. These surveys are usually requested by a lender for a commercial or industrial project. We have provided ALTA/NSPS surveys for apartment complexes, solar farms, industrial sites,  shopping centers and other commercial properties.

Parcel maps, Boundary Line Adjustments, & Reversion to Acreage Maps
Changing existing lot lines
We can prepare Parcel Maps to create new parcels, Boundary Line Adjustments to revise existing lot lines and Reversion to Acreage maps to remove lot lines from a parcel. We are very familiar with City and County requirements associated with these applications.